Report violations

Receive information related to fraud, violations of law or company regulations.

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Declaration code LOTTE-001951
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*** Note that denunciation information without attached evidence will be considered an unfounded denunciation. And therefore, we may refuse to verify, investigate and handle your complaint.

Information personal

(*) This is to help us contact you when additional information or quick interview are needed. We will hold the information you provide to us strictly confidentially and securely.
(*) We treat anonymous disclosures just as seriously as those made openly. However, in some cases, investigating anonymous reports will be difficult and may produce unexpected results
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I agree that LOTTE Mart’s Internal Audit Division may collect and use my personal data under following conditions:

1. Scope of personal data collecting: Your name, E-mail and telephone number (if provided) and further information when necessary.

We recognise that the information in a whistleblowing report can relate to the whistleblower(s), the accused, witnesses or others that are mentioned.

2. Purpose of Usage and Collection:

  • Checking the authentic of your report
  • Carrying out investigations for your concern(s), taking disciplinary or regulatory action and providing processed result.
  • Contact you when additional information or quick interview are necessary.

3. Retention period of personal data

We will hold details of your whistleblowing disclosure, including your personal data, for five (05) years.
However, the files attached will be deleted within ten (10) days after announcing investigation result.

4. Disclosure Terms

The information you provide to us will be shared internally and limitedly within Vietnam Internal Audit Division and Global Audit of LOTTE in order that we can handle, investigate and respond to your disclosure.

Please be aware that there may also be certain circumstances where we are required, by law, to share your information.

5. Right to refuse consent and CONSEQUENCES OF REFUSING CONSENT

Under data protection legislation, refusing consent to the collection is possible. However, if your refuse agreement to collect and use personal information, it may not always be possible to investigate anonymous report fully.

For more information about how LOTTE processes personal data, please refer to our Personal Data Protection Policy.

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